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right heart 【生物學】右心房。

right hearted

Simulated experiments effects of intrathoracic pressure change on hemodynamics model i and ii tests demonstrated that the same itpc had different actions on the simulated ventricular fillings . the itpc would not change the pressure in the simulated right heart but its volume while it changed the pressure in the simulated left heart without direct influencing on its volume 模擬實驗胸壓變化對血流動力學的影響3第四軍醫大學博士學位答辯論文外周靜脈壓和模擬胸腔壓力變化相同時所引起的右心室容積的變化是相同的;當兩者同時同步變化時,右心室容積無變化。

The mean follow - up length was 32 months , all patients had good heart function except one with minor right heart function failure 結論:三尖瓣置換是合并心臟惡病質三尖瓣病變的有效治療方法,但應嚴格掌握手術適應征,術中應注意避免損傷傳導束。

Effect of xinmailong injection on cardiac function of 30 patients with right heart failure due to pulmonary heart disease 心脈龍注射液對30例肺心病右心衰竭患者心功能的影響